Alexander Knothe
Beauty and The Beast Media
My high school was preparing the annual school play (Beauty and the Beast) and my graphics design class was inevitably tasked with creating the advertisement media, which includes a poster, a Facebook advertisement, and a behind the sceens video.
My poster was designed after watching the Disney animated movie version, not the play. It was made using both Adobe Illustrator (for constructing the elements) and Photoshop (for the effects). The posters were advertised a week before the play in the halls of my school and then sold during the dates the play was running.
In order to promote the play with dates and price, we made advertisments for the Facebook page of our high school drama department. The ad itself was just a rework of our poster with the dates and price over it.
Facebook Advertisment
Behind The Sceens Video
As another promotion shared on Facebook, we produced a behind the sceens video of the production pf the play. Hopefully showing how much preparation was done and that the play was going to be great.
Send help. Trapped.
Forced work.
Need food.
Send credit card.
Send social security.
Don't do this
and this